
There’s a comfort in writing a post almost fully one year after your last. Like wearing a pair of old shoes–worn and neglected, but loved completely, and filled completely with memories of a former life perhaps.

i went to see the doctor today for my routine blood check. thank God that all is still normal. and as things were normal, the medical content of my conversations were quite limited–i think my drs. would have preferred to text me the results, for in the intervening time it felt like they felt obligated to engage me in chit-chat, donning on a hat that doesn’t suit them as well–that of psychiatrist or even worse, dear i say, friend? i guess they felt guilty that i was spending money on “seeing them” and needed to fill the time. all this is to say, that when you’re talking about weddings and vacations and “plans” in a cancer ward, then things are “normal”; and normal is not something that fits in a cancer ward.

but Praise God who fills my time and my paths with His blessings. to be normal in His eyes is my delight.

i received three vaccinations–ones that i had when i was new born. i am still a babe. and i’d like to think that my skin and folds of fat (ok, i have no fat) are babe-like. best still, i like to think that my thoughts are new and child like because of Him.

yesterday, Easter sunday marks for us Christians the breaking of dawn in not just human history, but the history of creation through Christ Jesus our Lord. it marked the “first fruits” of the new creation, which i, am delightfully joined in.

~ by lentaing on April 9, 2012.

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