Chemo day 2

I’m barely able to type this out. Today i’ve been feeling very sick. My temp rose to 100.4, there are no word to describe my headache, and i threw up twice within the same hour.
Tomorrow i’ll try to detail the side effects a little better- but today i’m going to sleep it off. Yuck!

06-21-08 update: there really are no words to describe how i felt yesterday. i spent my entire day sleeping in order to escape the sickness. fortunately, today i’m feeling alot better–though there are some lingering things, e.g. my head doesn’t feel right, and every time i stand up i feel dizzy. but i know that this is short lived–my next bag of chemo is starting in a little over 2 hours.

~ by lentaing on June 20, 2008.

6 Responses to “Chemo day 2”

  1. Hang in there man. Only about a day and a half left!

  2. this absolutely sucks. i am so sorry that you have to go through this. but we are all rooting for you!

  3. Almost at the end of this moment. Keep pushing through.

  4. keep it up for just a bit more…i’ll see you soon.

  5. hey man feel better; just think only 1 more session and you’ll be done with this!

  6. this might be a little late–but thanks guys! haha

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