
i just wanted to check in to assure you guys that this blog hasn’t been taken over by “ghost writers” like “J to the T”. right now my body still feels completely blasted from the chemo. it was a pretty terrible experience–second only to my induction round (which was 24hr poisoning for 7 days). i would begin to describe how crappy i feel but the neurons in charge of disgusting words were all blasted away too. the other parts have come together and put together this list of words to help you get a sense of how i feel: “leaking”, “creaking”, “seeping”, “bleeping”?! besides any attempt to revisit memories of last week are met with sudden onset nausea (i literally had to stop my mom from reminding me today that it was at such and such a time that we first left for the hospital). but rest assured, one memory remains VIVIDLY clear: i almost died. so i’m going to be sleeping alot for the next few days–and your job, dear reader, is to send tons and tons of love and support my way, okay!…b/c I ALMOST DIED!

ps. don’t call, b/c i really don’t have the strength to talk. an email would be just fine!
pps. yes! i’m aware that “almost dying” is a health hazard associated with being a cancer patient
ppps. anyone who asks, “how did it feel” (to almost die) will be sent noxious gases.

~ by lentaing on August 12, 2008.

6 Responses to “blasted”

  1. Jia(1) You(2)! Jia(1) You(2)!

  2. pppps. i guess it’s safe to say you can’t fall any lower (well beyond actually biting the big one), so it’s all upside from here on out πŸ™‚

  3. I stumbled upon your site by accident while I was searching for something completely unrelated. I briefly read what you have been going through over the last couple of months culminating in the horrifying last couple of days. Yesterday, August 12 happened to also be my son’s tenth birthday. We spent a fun-filled day at a local waterpark to celebrate with family and friends. I was so touched by your story and your entry from yesterday and how two people can experience the same day in such different ways. While one is relishing a child’s milestone…turning the “BIG 10”, another can be in such a low place. Know that although I am a complete stranger, you are in my thoughts and prayers today. I plan to share your story with my son so that maybe it will help him become a better person and learn a lesson of basic human compassion. God bless you and I send hopes of a full recovery!

  4. damn len. hang in there. we’re all thinking of you

  5. Well you knew you had to hit bottom before you were done with this thing.. good thing it wasn’t the very bottom. Did you see Elvis?

  6. imran- i guess that’s one way of looking at it πŸ™‚

    diane- thanks for the sentiments. perhaps your son could be a penpal to a local child with cancer.

    chanta- πŸ™‚

    lori- one delivery of noxious gases coming right up!

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